Collection: ProdromeNeuro™: Omega-3 Plasmalogen Precursors


The Performer. The omega-3 (DHA) plasmalogen precursor in ProdromeNeuro™ is designed to maximize the functional activity of your cells and cell membranes such as the synapses in your brain, the neuromuscular junctions of your muscles, membrane functions such as reverse cholesterol transport.

ProdromeNeuro™ is available in soft gel or liquid form. Choose the format that best suits your personal preference and lifestyle.

ProdromeNeuro™ (Oil)
ProdromeNeuro™ contains the plasmalogen building blocks for neurons that make up brain gray matter. Neurons are cells that process and transmit information in the body.

ProdromeNeuro™ (Oil)

Regular price $199.00 USD
Sale price $199.00 USD Regular price $0.00 USD
ProdromeNeuro™ (Softgels)
ProdromeNeuro™ (Softgels)

ProdromeNeuro™ (Softgels)

Regular price From $199.00 USD
Sale price From $199.00 USD Regular price $0.00 USD